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Lampinen, A.K., Chan, S.C., Dasgupta, I., Nam, A.J. and Wang, J.X., 2023. Passive learning of active causal strategies in agents and language models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36, (arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.16183).
Coda-Forno, J., Binz, M., Akata, Z., Botvinick, M., Wang, J.X. and Schulz, E., 2023. Meta-in-context learning in large language models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36 (arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.12907).
Duéñez-Guzmán, E.A., Sadedin, S., Wang, J.X., McKee, K.R., Leibo, J.Z., 2023. A social path to human-like artificial intelligence. Nature Machine Intelligence. 5, p1181–1188.
Jagadish, A.K., Binz, M., Saanum, T., Wang, J.X., and Schulz, E., 2023. Zero-shot compositional reinforcement learning in humans. PsyArxiv 10.31234/
Ke, N.R., Dunn, S.J., Bornschein, J., Chiappa, S., Rey, M., Lespiau, J.B., Cassirer, A., Wang, J.X., Weber, T., Barrett, D. and Botvinick, M., 2023. DiscoGen: Learning to Discover Gene Regulatory Networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.05823.
Chan, S., Santoro, A., Lampinen, A., Wang, J.X., Singh, A., Richemond, P., McClelland, J. and Hill, F., 2022. Data distributional properties drive emergent in-context learning in transformers. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, pp.18878-18891.
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Lampinen, A.K., Roy, N., Dasgupta, I., Chan, S.C., Tam, A., Mcclelland, J., Yan, C., Santoro, A., Rabinowitz, N.C., Wang, J.X., and Hill, F., 2022, June. Tell me why! explanations support learning relational and causal structure. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 11868-11890).
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Lampinen, A., Dasgupta, I., Chan, S., Mathewson, K., Tessler, M., Creswell, A., McClelland, J., Wang, J. X., & Hill, F. (2022, December). Can language models learn from explanations in context?. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022 (pp. 537-563).
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Wang JX*, King M*, Porcel N, Kurth-Nelson Z, Zhu T, Deck C, Choy P, Cassin M, Reynolds M, Song F, Buttimore G., Reichert DP, Rabinowitz N, Matthey L, Hassabis D, Lerchner A, Botvinick M. (2021) Alchemy: A benchmark and analysis toolkit for meta-reinforcement learning agents. NeurIPS Conference 2021 Benchmarks and Datasets Track. [link] [pdf]
Wang JX. (2021) Meta-learning in natural and artificial intelligence. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 38, 90-95. [link] [pdf]
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Ke NR*, Wang JX, Mitrovic J, Szummer M, Rezende DJ*. (2020) Amortized learning of neural causal representations. ICLR Workshop on Causal Learning for Decision-Making. [link] [pdf]
Botvinick M, Wang JX, Dabney W, Miller KJ, Kurth-Nelson Z. (2020) Deep reinforcement learning and its neuroscientific implications. Neuron. 107(4). [link] [pdf]
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Schwarb H, Johnson CL, Dulas MR, McGarry MD, Holtrop JL, Watson PD, Wang JX, Voss JL, Sutton BP, Cohen NJ. (2019) Structural and functional MRI evidence for distinct medial temporal and prefrontal roles in context-dependent relational memory. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. (12):1857-72. [link]
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Botvinick M, Ritter S, Wang JX, Kurth-Nelson Z, Blundell C, & Hassabis D. (2019) Reinforcement learning, fast and slow. Trends in Cognitive Sciences. [link] [pdf] Featured in Cell’s “Best of Trends” from 2019
Dasgupta I, Wang JX, Chiappa S, Mitrovic J, Ortega P, Raposo D, Hughes E, Battaglia P, Botvinick M, Kurth-Nelson Z. (2019) Causal reasoning from meta-reinforcement learning. NeurIPS Workshop on Meta-Learning. arXiv:1901.08162. [link] [pdf]
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Wang JX*, Kurth-Nelson Z*, Kumaran D, Tirumala D, Soyer H, Leibo JZ, Hassabis D, Botvinick M. (2018) Prefrontal cortex as a meta-reinforcement learning system. Nature Neuroscience. 21 (6), 860. [link] [pdf]
Ritter S, Wang JX, Kurth-Nelson Z, Jayakumar SM, Blundell C, Pascanu R, Botvinick M. (2018) Been there, done that: Meta-learning with episodic recall. Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). 4351-4360. arXiv:1805.09692. [link] [pdf]
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